I am a versatile designer with proven design and design management skills.
I am a facilitator and creator of meaningful consumer-driven product concepts.
I am a collaborator with the experience to bring products to life

I am a proud husband to my (newly graduated - Masters in Nursing Education) wife and high school sweetheart.
I am a loving father of two beautiful daughters.
I am a parishioner and volunteer at St. Peter's Catholic Church in Uptown Charlotte
I am a passionate supporter of our public lands and a member of the Sierra Club. 
I am a (slow) runner. I am targeting a November half marathon, my fourth.
I am a maker. I love to cook for my family. I always look forward to the occasional homebrew session. I am on the lookout for an Airstream to renovate and enjoy with my family.

"I recommend Daniel for his deep understanding of what it means to be a designer. A talent that can bring a company to think different and be ahead of others."
-Andre Martel
Graphic Designer and Branding Expert
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